ShowSize and WhizFolders are now discontinued

We had posted a notice early last year, in 2023, that the products are discontinued. Further, we stopped taking any orders for those products.

We have been notifying customers for many years now in the Purchase Email Notification that they should preserve the installer and license codes obtained on their purchase for reinstalling the software. If they are lost, we can no longer help as we have closed shop.

Customers who purchased after 2020 can still try to download the last released version installer from their purchase notification email for some time as long as the Reseller Store permits it. If you do, please be sure to save the installer along with the license code in a safe place on one or more computers or even a cloud drive like Dropbox so that you can reinstall without depending on the Download link. That link might be removed by the reseller company anytime now that the account is closed and sales are stopped.